Sunday, September 13, 2009

VMA's Awards 2009 Short Review

LOL the VMA's was a what? "HOT FUCKING MESS" wow were do i start with the shit well 1) Janet Jackson preformance as well as the entrance was very put together and nice 10x better than BET ...anyways though i wish it was longer God Bless her and her enduring family

2)Taylor Swift Incident HAHA! that was halarious as you can tell from the image above this is an screen shot of Kanye West taking the microphone away from her before she said her thanks-you's i do agree Beyonce of course shouldve won the voting was fucked up i love <33>

3) Lady Gaga VS. Beyonce? wow why is everyone comparing fresh water oil packed tune (-Qaadir) too A Rainbow Fish?????? Beyonce been in the game so i find it sad shes being compared to Rihanna and shit , b has so many haters of course because people have such low self esteem and it sure get lonley at the top^, so thats what happens, and LADY GAGA preformance was a hot mess

4) Russell Brand is such a great halarious host i liked him hosting

5) WTTF??! was Jennifer Lopez wearing how much $$ can you have to look like trash?? am so confused?

Anyway The VMAS was full of shit i didnt know they were that shit headed and why are the even called Music Television when TRL is gone so basically theres no music going on & all reality wtf? Good Day lol

xoxo Stephanie.

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